C-value からゲノムサイズへ変換するための式を,wikipedia に見つけました。
the mean weight of one nucleotide pair would be 1.0855× 1e-9 pg, and 1 pg of DNA would represent 0.921 × 1e+9 base pairs.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-value)
genome size (bp) = (0.921 x 1e+9) x DNA content (pg)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-value)
(haploid) genome size (bp) = (0.921 x 1e+9) x DNA content (pg) / 2
diploid genome size (bp) = (0.921 x 1e+9) x DNA content (pg)
Wikipedia によると,ヒトの女性の C-value は,6.950 pg だそうです。
diploid human female and male nuclei in G1 phase of the cell cycle should contain 6.950 and 6.829 pg of DNA, respectively.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-value)
haploid genome size (bp) = (0.921 x 1e+9) x 6.950 / 2 = 3.2 Gbp